
Choquette lab Schlenk line publication is online!

In classic research fashion, during Summer research in 2017 we set out to finish this project to form SmI2 on the Schlenk line “real quick”.  Well, we found so many interesting details that expanded on what we were reading in the literature to optimize a clear protocol for labs who want to form and use SmI2 on a Schlenk line. With seven undergraduate students and a pandemic in between the Choquette lab has their first publication out in “Results in Chemistry”!  Amazing job by all of those on the paper and those in the lab that were always helped with the THF still 🙂  **Results in Chem is open access- so everyone can read!

Spring 2024 Poster Sessions: ICUNJ and ACS Undergraduate Research

Congratulations to the Choquette lab students for being out in the scientific community presenting their research! Gyedi Appiah-Pipim was awarded grant funds for his new project investing alternative solvents with SmI2 synthesis. He was also invited to present at the 2024 ICUNJ undergraduate research symposium.

Josh Trochez traveled to New Orleans for the American Chemical Society national meeting. In addition to participating in the RSCU symposium, Josh presented his Sm-Ni work at the student poster session. (And Bridget from the Pearsall lab presented too!)

RSCU at the National ACS meeting!

The RSCU supergroup has steadily grown as a virtual space to support summer research among undergraduate institutions. We excited to also host a symposium at the ACS Spring meeting in New Orleans, allowing our community to meet in-person!  Three faculty members and two undergraduate students were able to present their research as well as a keynote address from BioChemist Joslynn Lee about her research and DEI efforts in her programs. The event was sponsored by Div of Chemical Education and Young Chemists Committee. Keep a look out for more details here

2023 Drew Day of Scholars

Aaron and Vanessa finish their DSSI research by presenting the group’s work at the annual research poster session on campus!

Drew Today coverage of Day of Scholars

Spring 2023 ICUNJ Undergraduate Research Symposium

In Fall 2022, Korka Fall was award grant money towards her work studying SmI2 reactions in the Choquette lab.  She was also invited to present her her at the Research Symposium held at the Liberty Science Center, NJ.  Korka and professor Choquette traveled to the poster session along with 4 other Drew research students. It was great being at our first in-person session in quite a while!

2022 Drew University STEM Research Symposium (first annual)

Chemistry Honors Society (GSE) took on a huge project to start a poster session to highlight all of the research opportunities available to students on campus.  RISE research fellow, Chemistry, Biology and Environmental faculty all held posters with current students in attendance to help understand the goals of their projects. And the food– we ordered entirely too much food 🙂  We look forward to continuing this as an annual Fall event in Hall of Sciences. (coverage of the event in Drew Acorn newspaper)

RSCU gets New Jersey Funding (and a website!)

Dr. Choquette was awarded funding to support the Remote Supergroup of Chemistry Undergrads (RSCU) through Pfizer PURE funds, supporting undergraduate research opportunities. This will allow support for Drew students who help keep up the website, gift cards for our grad students that participate in our panels, honoraria to our invited speakers and funding to keep the program going! 

Check out all of the new summer programs and updates here:

Sept 2021. Our Glovebox is here!

While we will continue to do work with SmI2 on the Schlenk line, we are excited to progress the SmI2-Ni projects with our brand new Inert Glovebox.

Summer 2021. Congratulations to Giselle for passing her general exam and officially becoming a PhD candidate in the Chen Lab at Lehigh University!

Summer 2020 Research- Supergroup to the rescue (RSCU)!

COVID shut downs are not stopping our research lab this Summer! We are involved with a “super group” of undergraduate researchers who meet once a week to discuss research projects, talk about inclusivity in the science world. Remote Supergroup for Chemistry Undergraduates (RSCU) includes 33 chemistry research groups, spanning 17 primarily undergraduate colleges and universities, both public and private, in 13 different U.S. states, Over 50 undergraduate students are currently participating in the 9-week series.

Riya presented a “flash presentation” to the group to inform everyone about SmI2 chemistry. Great job Riya!

May, 2019.  Gisselle traveled down to Florida for the ACS conference to present a poster on her work. She discussed her approach to determining the concentration of the SmI2 we form in the lab, through our newly optimized sonication protocol.

The day after she landed back in NJ she presented the work to our Drew Community at the 2019 Day of Scholars event. Great job Giselle!

April, 2019. Congrats to Gisselle Rojas for being awarded the North Jersey ACS Bridge Travel Award. You are going to do great representing our lab at the ACS conference!  Highlighted in “The Indicator” Newsletter

April 6, 2018.  Kayla and Eugene presented their DSSI summer research at the inaugural Day of Scholar event at Drew University.  They were very excited to share their progress of synthesizing SmI2 in the lab and their preliminary quantitative assessment of the SmI2 in a Sm-Barbier reaction in the poster session.